If you have ever owned a pet, you probably know that giving your pet the proper care he or she deserves can become expensive over time, even for a …
You may have heard of people microchipping their pets, but have you microchipped your own? According to recent studies, over 10 million cats and dogs in the U.S. are …
Can your pet have asthma? Yes! Just like us, our furry companions can develop asthma. Though more common in cats than dogs, pets can suffer from asthma attacks, too. …
As Independence Day quickly approaches, we know many of us are excited for the celebrations this weekend. As you prepare for your 4th of July festivities, it is important …
Does your pet snore? Is it less of a gentle cat purr or a deep exhale from Fido during a daytime nap and more of an audible snore similar …
Did you know that May is National Pet Month? Similar to National Pet Day in April, the month of May is dedicated to loving and protecting our pets! This …
Animals provide many benefits to human civilization. Many people interact with animals in their daily lives, both at home and away from home. Animals can provide food, livelihood, travel, …
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) is a rapidly progressive life-threatening condition that affects millions of dogs every year. In the beginning, the stomach fills with gas, food, foam, or air, causing …
A regular grooming routine is a must for our animal companions. Besides keeping your pet looking and feeling the best way possible, grooming your pet regularly allows you to …
During this time of year, many of us set new goals and perspectives for the year ahead. As you make your New Year’s resolutions, consider your pet as well! …